Honorargeneralkonsulat von Barbados in Deutschland
Seitzstraße 9-11
D-80538 München
Tel. +49 (0)89 21 57 86 30
Fax +49 (0)89 21 57 84 23
E-Mail | Website
High Commission von Barbados
1 Great Russell Street
London WC 1B 3ND
Tel: +44 207 299-7150
Fax: +44 207 323-6872
E-Mail: london[at]
Embassy of Barbados
166, Avenue Franklin
1050 Brussels
Tel. +32 2 737 1171/1172
E-Mail: brussels[at]
Hurricane Strikes Barbados - Bridgetown, Barbados – July 1, 2024
Barbados is currently experiencing extreme weather conditions as Hurricane Beryl makes landfall. The Category 4 storm, with sustained winds of up to 150 mph (240 km/h), has caused heavy rainfall, dangerous storm surges, and widespread power outages across the island. A speech by Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley on the current situation can be found here.
In general, for the entry to Barbados up to a stay of 90 days for Germany and most countries NO visa is required.
However, it is possible that the entry requirements may change at short notice. Therefore, we recommend that you inform yourself about the regulations applicable to your country well in advance of your departure.
At this point we have provided helpful initial information for you:
Please note that the Honorary Consulate General does not issue visas and can only provide general information.
For binding information and to apply for your visa, please contact the embassy in Brussels directly.
Persönliche Nachricht
der Honorargeneralkonsulin
Anlässlich des Nationalfeiertags von Barbados am 30. November 2023 möchte ich meine herzlichsten Glückwünsche übermitteln. Es ist mir eine außerordentliche Ehre, als Honorargeneralkonsulin die Gelegenheit zu nutzen, um die Unabhängigkeit Barbados' zu würdigen, die im Jahr 1966 erlangt wurde.
Barbados, eine faszinierende Insel in der Karibik, hat sich seit ihrer Unabhängigkeit zu einem Symbol für Freiheit, kulturelle Vielfalt und wirtschaftlichen Fortschritt entwickelt. Mit seinen atemberaubenden Stränden, einer reichen Geschichte und einer Bevölkerung, die für ihre Gastfreundschaft bekannt ist, zieht Barbados Besucher aus der ganzen Welt an. Die Insel hat sich auch als wichtiger Akteur auf internationaler Bühne etabliert, nicht zuletzt durch ihre Beteiligung an verschiedenen regionalen und globalen Organisationen.
Als Honorargeneralkonsulin freue ich mich besonders darüber, dieses wunderbare Land in Deutschland repräsentieren zu dürfen. Die Beziehungen zwischen Barbados und Deutschland sind geprägt von Respekt, Zusammenarbeit und dem gemeinsamen Streben nach einer besseren Zukunft. Es ist inspirierend zu sehen, wie Barbados sich nicht nur als Touristenziel, sondern auch als Partner für wirtschaftliche und kulturelle Austausche positioniert.
Der Nationalfeiertag bietet uns die Gelegenheit, die Errungenschaften Barbados' zu würdigen und sich der gemeinsamen Werte bewusst zu werden, die unsere Länder verbinden. Möge dieser Tag voller Freude, Stolz und Einheit sein.
In diesem Sinne wünsche ich allen Bürgerinnen und Bürgern von Barbados, ob auf Barbados oder im Ausland, einen frohen Nationalfeiertag.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Regine Sixt
Honorargeneralkonsulin von Barbados in Deutschland
Ehrenkuratoriumsmitglied des Corps Consulaire
A warm welcome
It is my great pleasure and honor to represent Barbados in Germany as Honorary Consul General! I wish to share my enthusiasm and passion for this Caribbean island state that is truly paradise on earth. I believe that this nation with its unique beauty and with its so many hospitable and committed personalities should be made even more well known in Germany and all over the world.
For decades I have been totally committed to supporting Barbados and its inhabitants within the scope of my possibilities on the diplomatic, social, cultural, economic and touristic level. So, I see it as my task not only to help the citizens of this Caribbean state, but also all interested travelers, with my input, my actions and with bridge building. This in mind, I have always been able to connect with the right people and organizations so as to establish relevant relations to further my cause. Additionally, my work through the Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation is an extra component of my support. It focuses on helping disadvantaged children on the island to have a better future through concrete projects on site.
I promise you that I will continue to represent the interests of Barbados in Germany with my full commitment. And I will also continue to inspire people all over the world with my enthusiasm for Barbados. I support and encourage everyone to experience the magic of this country first-hand!
Yours truly
Regine Sixt
Honorary Consul General of Barbados in Germany
Honorary Member of the Board of Trustees, Corps Consulaire
Senior Executive Vice President Sixt International Marketing
CEO of the Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation “Drying Little Tears”
Honorary Consul General of Barbados
The Sixt family has been living their deep connection to Barbados since 1966 when their parents-in-law Hans and Erika Sixt got to know and love the Caribbean state. As of then, the family visits the island regularly. Regine and Erich Sixt also celebrated their honeymoon on Barbados. The deep attachment to this island and the close friendships with many Barbadians, or "bayans" as the inhabitants of the Caribbean island call themselves, were the determining factors that led to Regine Sixt becoming Honorary Consul of Barbados in Bavaria in 2000. In 2012 she advanced to the position of Honorary Consul General of Barbados in Germany.
At Sixt SE, the mobility service provider, Regine Sixt is responsible for the Group's international marketing in more than 110 nations worldwide. The position as International President Marketing gives her many opportunities to promote Barbados far beyond the borders of Germany.
The social and philanthropic commitment of Regine Sixt is demonstrated by concrete projects in Barbados. After all, the well-being of the smallest and weakest members of our society is a deep concern of hers. But also cultural projects like the annual Flower Show with the legendary Garden Festival are supported by her. Regine Sixt’s heart beats for Barbados - and with her hands she helps out wherever and whenever support for the Caribbean island and its inhabitants is needed. Regine Sixt was awarded the Barbadian Silver Crown of Merit National Award, for her many years of diplomatic, economic and philanthropic activities.
Awards: The Logical Consequence of Success
Regine Sixt is concerned with the results that her daily work achieves, not with awards. But the long list of worldwide honors for her social and economic commitment speaks its own language and honors the tireless efforts of the Honorary Consul General, entrepreneur and philanthropist:
List of Awards:
- 2010: Citizen of the World, Hadassah International
- 2010: Bavarian State Medal for Social Services, Bavarian State Ministry of Labour and Social Order, Family and Women
- 2011: Bavarian Order of Merit, Bavarian Prime Minister
- 2010-2011: Woman of the Year, World Travel Awards
- 2011: Le Grand Prix de la Charte de Paris contre le Cancer, l´Association pour la Vie Espoir contre le Cancer (AVEC)
- 2011: Travel Hall of Fame, Travel Industry Club
- 2011-2013: The Golden City Gate, International Film Award
- 2011: Senator h.c. of the Bundesverband Mittelständische Wirtschaft (BVMW)
- 2012: World´s Leading Innovative Marketing, World Travel Awards
- 2013: Charity Business Traveller Award
- 2013: Charity Award, Mille Miglia
- 2013: Woman Entrepreneur of the World Award, Femmes Chefs d'Entreprises Mondiales
- 2013: Golden Victoria for Integration, Deutschlandstiftung Integration
- 2014: Medal for Special Services to Bavaria in a United Europe
- 2014: Hall of Fame, German Family Companies, Handelsblatt
- 2014: Scopus Award, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- 2014: Munich Marketing Award, Marketing Club Munich
- 2014: Business & Charity-Award, International Economic Forum, Baden-Baden
- 2014: German Media Award - Media Personality of the Year (together with Erich, Alexander and Konstantin Sixt)
- 2015: Victress Lifetime Achievement Award
- 2017: Medal of the Bavarian Constitution in Silver
- 2017: Woman Entrepreneur of the Year, FCEM
- 2017: Silver Crown Merit (SCM) - Nation Award, Barbados
- 2017, 2018, 2020 The Golden City Gate, International Film Award
- 2018: Hall of Fame, Manager Magazin
- 2018: Monaco Jubilee Star, Abendzeitung
- 2019: Seven Stars, Woman of the Year
- 2019: Eagles Award for Humanity and Social Commitment
A large number of organizations consider themselves very fortunate to have attracted Regine Sixt as a member of their board of trustees and as a supporter.
This reflects the esteem in which she is held, but also the added value that she generates through her dedication to a wide range of initiatives.
- Board of Trustees, Corps Consulaire
- Board of Directors, Deutsche Zentrale für Tourismus DZT
- Senator of the Bundesverband Mittelständische Unternehmen (BVMW)
- Board of Trustees, American Austrian Foundation
- Board of Trustees, L’Association pour la Vie Espoir contre le Cancer (AVEC), Paris
- Board of Trustees, Bayerische Krebshilfe
- Honorary Member of the Global Women in Business Advisory Council
- Member of the Board of Governors of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Board of Trustees, Deutsche Sporthilfe
- Board of Trustees, Deutsches Museum
- Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Hadassah Deutschland
- Board of Trustees, Jerusalem Foundation
- Member, Keren Hayesod
- Board of Trustees, Philippas Engel
- Supporter, Shoah Foundation
- Board of Trustees, Tel Aviv Museum of Art Germany
- Supporter, Israel Day, Germany
- Supporter, WIZO
- Board of Trustees, Yad Vashem Germany
- Member, Association of Corporate Travel Executives ACTE
- Member, Global Business Travel Association GBTA
- Member, American Society of Travel Agents ASTA
- Member, International Association of Travel and Tourism Professionals SKAL
- Member, Verband Deutscher Unternehmer
- Member, Deutschen Reise Verband DRV
- Member, Travel Industry Club
- Member, Foundation for Aids Research AMFAR
- Member, Marketing Club Germany
- Honorary Member, Ambassadors Club
- Supporting Member, Business Professional Women
- Member, Monaco Ambassadors Club
Dream destination Barbados
Since 2018, Regine Sixt has had a prominent colleague who, like the German Honorary Consul General, is committed to Barbados on her travels around the world: Rihanna, as official special ambassador of Barbados, is probably the best-known representative of the Caribbean state today. As a pop star, fashion designer and entrepreneur, she embodies everything that Barbados stands for: rhythm, grace, success and the strength to follow a distinctive path. In her mission, Rihanna promotes education, tourism and investment for her home island. Together with Prime Minister Mia Mottley, she is committed to "reinventing Barbados." Under the motto Vision 2020, the whole nation is setting new impulses for cohesion and the future in a wealth of events, the We Gatherings.
Rihanna is a concrete advocate of this strong sense of unity: She grew up in modest circumstances in the capital city of Bridgetown. There she takes part in the colorful, traditional Crop-Over parade every year. Like thousands of her compatriots, she dresses up in spectacular and colorful carnival costumes and dances through the streets to the rhythms of Soca and Calypso. The name of this festival, which makes the island roar with steel bands and reggae, recalls the celebration of the island's greatest treasure for centuries: sugar cane. So, Crop Over was traditionally celebrated as soon as the cane harvest was finished. Sugar and the finest rum brought fame and wealth to the island, but it was earned on the backs of African slaves. The British colony abolished slavery in 1834, after bloody slave revolts. The island state finally gained independence in 1966.
Since then, Barbados has developed in great strides: Today, the country ranks 56th in the Human Development Index, ahead of many European nations. Many things are being promoted in Barbados in an exemplary manner - be it sustainable tourism, education or cultural, social and economic development. The paradisiac island with the lushest tropical vegetation offers everything that makes a vacation a once-in-a-lifetime experience: Finest sandy beaches under palm trees along the turquoise sea. Sporting events ranging from golf to polo - each of them on five courses - to horse and bicycle races, and to spectacular diving and sailing regattas that take place all year round. UNESCO cultural heritage monuments provide a deep insight into the eventful history. With culinary highlights ranging from street food with the local specialty flying fish to romantic candlelight dinners on the beach, a truly delicious range of dishes is offered, usually accompanied by local rum punch and tropical fruit juices. The joie de vivre, openness and hospitality of the 280,000 Barbadians is best shown at the countless cultural festivals and religious celebrations of dozens of churches. These colorful people know that they are privileged to live in God's tropical garden - and they are very happy to share this privilege with everyone who visits the island!
Further information and event calendar:
The Regine Sixt Children’s Aid Foundation
“Drying Little Tears”
Happiness is not a result from what you get from the world, but from what you contribute. "Giving back to society" is therefore a central focus in the life of Regine Sixt.
In the year 2000, Regine Sixt not only becomes Honorary Consul of Barbados. She also establishes her Children's Aid Foundation. This soon becomes the official CSR program of SIXT SE. With its energetic team, with the committed board of directors including her sons Alexander and Konstantin Sixt, as well as with a widely-based board of trustees and thousands of company volunteers around the world, this foundation achieves great things: To date, 175 projects in more than 50 nations have been realized – also in Barbados. Regine Sixt personally helps to ensure a good future for the smallest and weakest members of our society. And the foundation also offers assistance when, for example, terrible suffering has to be alleviated after natural catastrophes caused by hurricanes.
Further information under
The Schoolhouse for Special Needs of the WHIM
Community Center in St. Michael is not just another educational institution. Beyond the parental home, children with special needs find a refuge here, where they can learn, develop and become independent in a safe environment.
The director of the project, Yasmin Vlahakis, has a big heart for children. Therefore, many years ago she made it her business to support children with special needs from socially deprived families through her work. Since 2008 she has been supported by seven very caring, committed and qualified teachers. The Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation "Drying Little Tears" financed the equipment of the existing library and the redesign of a container, which is to serve as a spatial extension of the facility.
St. Peter’s Parish School
Nearly 100 children find a place where they can grow and prosper at St. Peter's Parish School. The Children’s Aid Foundation was particularly involved in the construction of the new playground and the installation of sun shades, so that even the youngest children can play outside. The educational concept is based on “learning by doing".
In addition to being educated in social and cooperative behavior, the youngest children also learn very practical skills: for example, they go to the market to shop with small change so as to learn how to handle money. Or they visit the zoo to get to know animals in real life and not only from books.
Three hurricanes left a trail of devastation in the Caribbean in 2017. The Regine Sixt Children's Aid Foundation reacted promptly and organized first aid for the neighboring island of Dominica, which was particularly badly affected. Out of a base in Barbados, urgently needed relief supplies were transported to the crisis region by plane: In addition to 100 tarpaulins, which protect against heavy tropical rain after the loss of houses, 100 first aid kits, 100 water canisters, 200 sleeping bags, 200 fleece blankets, 200 solar lamps, 200 torches and 200 aluminum insulating mats were sent. A number of volunteers in Germany, Barbados and Dominica ensured the smooth transport of the aid, which quickly reached the neediest families and their children.